About Us

You can’t put your shoes on before your socks.

You have this great product or service and you’re ready for the public to come banging on your door eager to take advantage of your offering and part ways with their money. And yet, no matter the quality or how affordable your business is, you’re not getting the desired results. You’ve got your shoes on first.

This is what we’re all about.

We’re a boutique agency who know how to build awareness about your business. We build reputations through a prized network of influential connections, through memorable and successful events and with a brand strategy that will knock your socks off.

We’re a comfortable and cosy fit for your team. We prefer to integrate with your organisation rather than keep an outsider’s point of view. We see things your way. And while we may be striped, we love working with other personalities, be they plain, chequered, herringbone or polka dotted.


Our Services

PR & Communications

It’s a storm of noise out there and everyone is getting drenched in news, social media updates and advertising messages. How is anyone going to notice your drop of water in the rain?

Brand Strategy

If your brand is saying wool when it’s really cotton, we need to rethink the strategy and apply that precious marketing budget where it will be most effective.


We’ve earned our stripes by believing in people. Your business may be built on a foundation of hard work and ingenuity, but the engine that powers it is made up of your employees.

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